29 January 2024

Unlocking Net Zero: HVAC Digital Twins to Bridge the Performance Gap
Hysopt UK

Hydronic System Optimisation Ltd, 167-169 Great Portland street, 5th Floor, London, W1W 5PF

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Unlocking Net Zero: HVAC Digital Twins to Bridge the Performance Gap

Unlocking Net Zero: HVAC Digital Twins to Bridge the Performance Gap

Empowering the Energy Transition

In the pursuit of Net Zero emissions, building owners find themselves at a pivotal crossroads. Balancing the financial squeeze of high energy costs with the need for sustainable practices presents a formidable challenge.

Meanwhile, non-domestic buildings are failing to live up to their anticipated energy performance. Independent research, including publications by the Chartered Institute of Building Engineers (CIBSE), reveal buildings are consuming up to double the energy initially projected. HVAC systems, responsible for up to 70% of a building's energy consumption, bear a substantial portion of the blame.

However, emerging technologies, such as HVAC System Digital Twins, are revolutionising the path to Net Zero while bridging the dreaded "Performance Gap."

1. Addressing the Performance Gap: HVAC's Vital Role

Achieving Net Zero in the built environment relies heavily on shifting from fossil fuels to electrified heat sources and heat networks. However, a persistent challenge arises in both existing and new projects: the Performance Gap. This gap occurs when actual consumption during operation greatly differs from design-phase energy estimates.

Astonishingly, forensic studies of over 450 installations reveal that 95% underperform, stemming from a lack of transparency in design, unforeseen changes during installation, commissioning issues, and post-handover inefficiencies.

3. Unravelling Core Challenges

While many innovative HVAC technologies are available, they don't guarantee optimal system performance. Addressing under-performance involves more than selecting the most efficient components - it requires efficient whole-system operation. A deeper examination reveals three fundamental challenges at the heart of HVAC system Performance Gaps:

 Outdated HVAC Tools: Traditional HVAC design and engineering tools struggle to cope with the increasing complexity of modern HVAC system requirements.

 Communication Gaps: Lack of transparent data flow between multi-disciplinary teams in the supply chain means operational performance impacts of HVAC system level design choices are hard to communicate.

 Inadequate Information: As-built information provided to building owners upon project completion often falls short, resulting in inefficient system management and performance.

4. The Rise of HVAC System Digital Twins

Amidst these challenges, HVAC System Digital Twins emerge as an alternative approach, offering a triad of benefits:

 Simulation and Optimisation: Through cloud computing and advanced algorithms, the performance of entire HVAC systems can be simulated and optimised in a virtual environment before physical construction.

 Transparency and Continuity: Digital twins provide transparency and continuity across all project stages, ensuring that the optimised design intent is faithfully realised in the final installation.

 Performance Evaluation: Continuous reference for system monitoring and optimisation throughout the system’s operational life. This technology empowers building operators to make informed, data-driven decisions early in the project and fosters open and transparent collaboration with their supply chain.

6. Discover more about Performance Gaps and HVAC Digital Twins in Hysopt’s whitepaper “The HighCost of Low HVAC Performance”

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